Office Hours with the Founder

Yeah, he's around and accessible.
Come on now, he's just some guy.

What John looks like on Zoom
Curved arrow pointing up to John. This is what I look like on Zoom

As the creator of CoachAccountable I’m proud AND happy to remain pretty darn accessible.

Every week I host office hours, an open invitation for everyone in the community to drop by to chat about whatever’s on their mind.

Reasons to attend:

Get help.

Wondering how to do a particular setup? Curious if you can automate this or that? Or have you some troubleshooting to do? Bring whatever you’re working on and you’ll have my undivided attention guiding you to a solution.

Learn something new.

When I’m working with someone else on whatever they’ve brought, you’re apt to be turned on to some idea or feature that you had no idea to want for; one that will make your coaching better. This happens All. The. Time.

Give feedback.

CoachAccountable is as good as it is because its design has been influenced by the input of hundreds of coaches, and my ears are always open to where and how CA could be better. Share with me a little about your style and work flows, and I might tweak CA to better support them.

Exchange Ideas.

Office Hours are a place to share best practices, learn from one another’s struggles, and generally experience being part of a broader community of coaches.

Next Office Hours:

Nothing scheduled now, but stay tuned!

World Headquarters

  • Workstation
  • State of the art wall-clock
  • Ergonomic wooden chair
  • Door

I invite you to stop on by. :)

John's office

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